DHSS 2017 Call For Papers

Simulation for Autonomous & Intelligent Systems: moving from Coordination to Collaboration and Competition

Track Description

M&S result to be one critical enabling technology for advances in Autonomous Systems (i.e. UAV, UGV, AUV, UAS); this is especially important to support the change from Coordination among different robotics systems to Cooperation and Competition in this field.

Indeed, it becomes more and more important to investigate within a synthetic environment models, algorithms, procedures and technologies to be applied in new scenarios where Autonomous vehicles and Intelligent Systems will have to face a more intense interaction in order to be able to execute more advanced tasks in a new mission environment.

The authors are invited to contribute by submitting papers presenting innovative researches and experimentation addressing these issues.

The topics of interest and application areas includes among the others :

  • Architecture driven security flow.
  • Robotics & Autonomous Systems.
  • Intelligent Systems.
  • Networks & Communications.
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
  • Unmanned Surface Vehicles.
  • Unmanned Ground Vehicles.
  • Autonomous Underwater Systems.
  • Intelligent Systems.
  • Space Robotics.
  • Swarm Technology.
  • Robotics & Cyber Space.
  • Intelligent Agents & Robotics.

This track is expected to serve as an opportunity for experts and scientists to get-together to discuss about new challenges and opportunities related to R&D (Research and Development) initiatives devoted to develop capabilities to collaborate among different autonomous systems as well as to operate in competitive environments; the new ideas and concepts discussed in this forum are expected to enhance the understanding of this framework as well as to support the construction of guidelines for the future of Intelligent & Autonomous Systems.

Best papers will be selected for being published on a Special Issue of an International Journal, while the event will be the opportunity to establish a scientific board for developing future research in this area.

For further information please contact Agostino Bruzzone  and  Jean Guy Fontaine.

Track at the International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop DHSS 2017

I3M 2017 Scientific Sponsors

I3M 2017 Industrial Sponsors

I3M 2017 Media Sponsors