DHSS 2018 Call For Papers

Next generation C4ISR Modeling & Simulation technology: Mixed Reality, Crowdsourcing and Interoperable C2-LVC architectures to support operations, training, and analysis

Track Description

Social networks, crowd sourcing, powerful mobile devices and the latest M&S technologies associated with Virtual Worlds and Augmented Reality are key areas of innovation in designing a next generation of Simulation and Command and Control framework for the military M&S Domains. This framework can support Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operations providing mobile services, tools and applications to support planning and execution activities at tactical and operational level in a Command and Control Network Centric Value Chain paradigms.

Topics of interest include:

  • Architecture driven security flow.
  • C4ISR M&S Emerging Technology for training, analysis and operational support.
  • Augmenter Reality in military applications.
  • Command & Control and Social networks, Crowdsourcing applications to support desion making process.
  • Interoperable C2-SIM Languages (C-BML and MSDL).
  • LVC-IA (Live, Virtual, Constructive) - Integrating Architecture (FEDEP - JMTEC).
  • Virtual and Real Worlds interaction.
  • C4ISR systems stimulation using LVC simulators and Augmented reality techniques .

For further information please contact Marco Biagini and Bruce Joy.

I3M 2018 Scientific Sponsors

I3M 2018 Industrial Sponsors

I3M 2018 Media Sponsors