Track Description

The track focuses on methodologies and technologies Liquid Food Processing including Modeling & Simulation based approaches. Researcher are invited to submit original articles on the following topics (additional topics related to liquid food processing are also welcome):

  • Environmental assessment of Food processes
    • Life Cycle Assessment of agriculture production, food processing an packaging
    • Evaluation of sustainability in food transport
    • Environment impact of food waste and novel methodologies to reduce its impact
  • Economical evaluation of food processes
    • Modelling of economic saving associated to new food processing and packaging
    • Economical assessment of new food formulation
    • Economical evaluation of active and intelligent packaging applied in the food sector
  • Social aspect of food processes and nutrition
    • Modelling of food demand and distribution around the world
    • Simulation of nutrition models able to satisfy the population request
    • Reduction of food waste along the whole food supply chain

For further information please contact Giuseppe Vignali.

I3M 2019 Scientific Sponsors

I3M 2019 Industrial Sponsors

I3M 2019 Media Sponsors