For further information please contact Eleonora Bottani, Roberto Montanari

 Call For Papers


Modeling & Simulation for Inventory Management   and Logistics


Track at the International Conference on Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation

(HMS 2011)


Track Chair: (a)Eleonora Bottani, (b)Roberto Montanari


Affiliation: (a)(b)University of Parma, Italy




Track Description

Managing, integrating and optimizing the entire supply chain are key factors for a successful business. World-class organizations now realize that non-integrated manufacturing processes, non-integrated distribution processes and poor relationships with suppliers and customers are inadequate for their success. The proper management of a supply chain encompasses a set of decisions, which embrace both strategic and tactical levels, and include the supply chain structure (number of echelons required and number of facilities per echelon), the selection of the inventory management policy, the assignment of each market region to one or more locations, the selection of suppliers for sub-assemblies, components and materials, the optimization of transports and connections. Simulation is a powerful tool to observe the behaviour of supply chains, assess their efficiency level, evaluate new management solutions, identify the most suitable configuration and optimize the whole distribution channel. By means of simulation models, researchers are enabled to quantify the benefits resulting from supply chain management, in order to support decision making either at strategic, tactical or operational level.

Given this overview, this track is devoted to studies which exploit simulation to the analysis of supply chains, including the following topics:

· Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Cold Chain Management (CCM);

· supply chain cost control strategies and cost optimization;

· supply chain automation;

· process modelling;

· design and optimization of logistics networks, transport activities and reverse logistics systems;

· planning and design of the supply chain structure;

· inventory management policies;

· use of ICT tools (e.g., RFID, 2D barcode, EDI,...) for the optimization of SCM and CCM;

· data warehousing;

· artificial intelligence tools for SCM and CCM.


Key Dates (Extension!)

Submissions of Extended Abstracts (Extended)                          May 20, 2011

Notification of acceptance:                                                                 June 10, 2011

Early Registration:                                                                              July 01, 2011

Final Camera-Ready Submission (Deadline Extended!)              July 20, 2011


Authors' Guidelines (further information author’s instruction section)


Extended abstracts (minimum 2 pages), full draft papers or other proposals should be submitted for the review process through the submission section by May 20, 2011 (Extended).

The extended abstract or the full draft paper must contain title, authors, affiliations, addresses, main body and references.

Each extended abstract or full draft paper will be reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee taking into consideration scientific quality, originality and relevance. Only original papers, written in English will be accepted.

The extended abstract or the full draft paper should be prepared by following the final paper formatting. However any type of paper formatting can be accepted for the first submission.



Notification of acceptance will be sent by June 10, 2011.



The International Program Committee will accept two types of camera ready papers: extended paper (10 pages, 2 columns); regular paper (6 pages, 2 columns) both for regular and special sessions.

The camera ready paper must adhere to the conference template. The .dot file contains the complete instructions for preparing a camera ready copy for the Proceedings. The final version of the paper must be a PDF file.

Your camera ready paper (extended paper or regular paper) in PDF format must be submitted by using the submission section before the July 20, 2011 (Deadline Extended)

The page limit for manuscripts is ten (10) pages (included  in the author registration fee). Additional pages will require an additional fee.

If your work must be cleared or approved before publication by  your institution, company, or governmental agency, please be sure that  process will be completed by the due date above or we will not be able to include it in the CD Conference Proceedings.

HMS, 2011

The 13rd International Conference on

Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics

Modelling and Simulation

12-14 September 2011

Ergife Palace Hotel

Rome, Italy

HMS on Facebook