The 17th International Conference on

Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics

Modelling and Simulation


September, 21-23 2015

Bergeggi, Italy

HMS, 2015

 Call For Papers


Intermodal transportation systems and services


Track at the International Conference on Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation


Track Chair: Manfred Gronalt


Affiliation: University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Science (Austria)




Deadlines for Papers Submission

Author’s Instruction for Papers Submission


Track Description

The track focalizes on “Intermodal transportation systems and services”. Topics of interest are:

· Rail/road terminals

· Role of the Hinterland and Binnenland Terminals

· Configuration & design issues, operations management and dispatching

· Loading, unloading and transhipment systems, feeding systems efficiency & performance measurement evaluation & benchmarking

· Planning multimodal terminal networks

· Risk assessment & prioritization

· Information technology and decision support systems for intermodal operators, shippers and forwarders

· Environmental and social political aspects

· Future aspects: challenges & opportunities revising the concept of Intermodal transportation networks and services.


Nevertheless different topics concerning Intermodal transportation systems and services are welcome.



































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For further information please contact Manfred Gronalt

The HMS  Proceedings will be indexed by SCOPUS