The 17th International Conference on

Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics

Modelling and Simulation


September, 21-23 2015

Bergeggi, Italy

HMS, 2015

 Call For Papers


Simulation Metamodelling and Optimisation in Logistics and Supply Chains


Track at the International Conference on Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation


Track Chairs: Edward Williams(a), Galina Merkuryeva(b)


Affiliation: (a)PMC-Dearborn (USA); (b)Riga Technical University (Latvia)


Contacts: (a); (b)


Deadlines for Papers Submission

Author’s Instruction for Papers Submission


Track Description

Simulation and optimisation have become highly valuable and closely allied technologies in logistics and supply chain management. Metamodelling offers new advanced techniques for simulation-based analysis and optimisation. This track is dedicated to documenting and exploring research and applications of simulation metamodelling and optimisation in logistics and supply chains.

Topic List:

  a.. Optimisation of Logistic Processes through Simulation

  b.  Simulation Optimisation Methods in Supply Chains

  c.. Simulation Metamodelling in Logistics and Supply Chains

  d.. Simulation Optimisation via Metamodelling

  e.. Simulation-based Hybrid Optimisation Tehniques

  f.. Meta-optimisation and Simulation in Logistics

  g.. Simulation Optimisation Software

  h.. Modelling and Simulation Optimisation Applications in Logistics and Supply Chains


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For further information please contact Francesco Longo

The HMS  Proceedings will be indexed by SCOPUS