The 17th International Conference on

Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics

Modelling and Simulation


September, 21-23 2015

Bergeggi, Italy

HMS, 2015

 Call For Papers


Simulation of Transportation and Intermodal Systems


Track at the International Conference on Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation




Deadlines for Papers Submission

Author’s Instruction for Papers Submission


Track Description

There is an increasing pressure to increase the efficiency of transportation systems. The cost of energy and the significant impact of transportation in global warning (15% of CO2 comes from transportation) are key factors that are being taken into account when improving or designing transportations systems. Modelling, simulation and optimization are valuable decision techniques for evaluating and improving transportation and intermodal systems. The focus of this track is on all modes of transportation and intermodality.


Topic List: 

Modelling and simulation of railway systems

Modelling and simulation of harbour terminals

Modelling and simulation of airport operations

Urban mobility modelling and simulation

Modelling and simulation of logistic and transport systems

Transportation and supply chain applications

Optimization of transportation systems

Intermodal modelling and simulation

Modelling and simulation of intelligent transportation systems

Pedestrian modelling and simulation



































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For further information please contact Toni Guasch

The HMS  Proceedings will be indexed by SCOPUS