HMS 2019 Call For Papers

Intermodal transportation systems and services

Track Description

Simulation and optimisation have become highly valuable and closely allied technologies in logistics and supply chain management. Metamodelling offers new advanced techniques for simulation-based analysis and optimisation. This track is dedicated to documenting and exploring research and applications of simulation metamodelling and optimisation in logistics and supply chains.

The track focalizes on “Intermodal transportation systems and services”. Topics of interest are:

  • Rail/road terminals.
  • Configuration & design issues, operations management and dispatching.
  • Loading, unloading and transhipment systems, feeding systems efficiency & performance measurement evaluation & benchmarking.
  • Planning multimodal terminal networks.
  • Risk assessment & prioritization.
  • Information technology and decision support systems for intermodal operators, shippers and forwarders.
  • Environmental and social political aspects.
  • Future aspects: challenges & opportunities revising the concept of Intermodal transportation networks and services.

Nevertheless different topics concerning Intermodal transportation systems and services are welcome.

For further information please contact Manfred Gronalt.

I3M 2019 Scientific Sponsors

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