Consolidating Unpredictable Energy Sources: SmartGrid

Electrical power grids of our time are still operating according to ideas born in the second half of the 19th century. Nowadays we are getting used to distributed, locally organized, reliable and partly independent services, which are able to survive the crash of the centralized ones. People invest into photovoltaic panels, windmills, etc. and what is indispensable in case of unpredictable sources – significant local energy storage. The most effective storage methods will be discussed. Thanks to the exploding amount of smart electronic devices, the Li-Ion technology is developing fast gaining large share, even if some other methods are more promising and efficient. The power of large power plants – even nuclear ones – should be regulated more efficiently and with less stress to the equipment. Anyway, we should have a continuous, uninterrupted and reliable transfer to SmartGrid, which should easily and efficiently incorporate all kind of efforts, independent local solutions. First, MiniGrids can be formed to ensure the smooth transition. For us, people dedicated to simulation is important that all the transients and solutions are certainly to be checked by simulation first because the extremely high investment costs of the electrical energy industry.

Janos Sebestyen Janosy - Brief CV.

Janos Sebestyen JANOSY is working for the AEMI Nuclear Energy Engineering Office Company Limited since 2014 after retiring as a Senior Adviser of the Centre for Energy Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS). He is a Senior Researcher since 1974, former Head of the Simulator Development Department 1994-2011, Senior Consultant to the Technical and Scientific Support Organization since 2012. He is “Honorary Life Fellow” of the UK Simulation Society. He was awarded by the Eugene Wigner prize (founded by HAS) in 2016. J.S. Janosy has published over 70 scientific publications in international journals and conferences. His main scientific interests: I&C systems, modeling and simulation, real-time simulation and simulators, nuclear, fossil and renewable energy production, energy distribution, smart electrical grids and energy storage. He participated, and later managed several industrial projects connected to the mentioned topics. He is married having two grown-up married daughters, and four grandchildren. He is a Ham Radio operator (radio amateur) since 1965, mostly on short-wave bands with call sign HA5GN. He is active in shooting sports.

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