Regular Sessions

Regular sessions cover the topics of the conference reported in the Track Section.

The first submission (extended abstract or full draft paper) will be reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee taking into consideration scientific quality, originality and relevance. IMAACA 2010 sessions are characterized by 3/5 minutes for introductions and then 20/25 minutes per paper, of which 5 minutes should be reserved for audience questions and comments. Please refer to Author’s Instruction Section for further information

Special Sessions

IMAACA 2010 solicits proposals for possible Track or Sessions to ensure that the conference program reflects the concerns and needs of advances in M&S. 

A Track is expected to collect at least 2-4 sessions, while a Session includes usually 3-4 papers.

Tracks and Sessions Proposals need to be submitted to IMAACA 2010 Conference Chairs and or Specific Conference/Workshop Organizers; the proposal need to include Proposal Title, Description, Related Subjects and Chairs References.

IMAACA 2010 Homepage




Author's Instructions


Registration and Fees

Organization Committee


IMAACA, 2010

The 4th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation


part of the 7th International Mediterranean and Latin American Modelling Multiconference I3M2010


October 13-15, 2010

FES, Morocco

For further information please contact Sergio Junco