I-WISH, 2014

The International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare


10 - 12 September

Agora Multi-Purpose Complex, University of Bordeaux

Bordeaux, France

Call For Papers


Modeling and Simulation for Biosciences and Bioinformatics

At the  International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare


Deadlines for Papers Submission

Author’s Instruction for paper submission


Track: Modeling and Simulation for Biosciences and Bioinformatics

 The goal of this special session is to explore the use of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) in the domain of assisting Bioscientists and Bioinformaticians as users/practitioners. The key focus of this session is on the client/user aspect of modeling and simulation paradigms and tools. Thus the track is geared more towards exploiting and bringing together innovations using M&S as assistive technologies for everyday tasks of Bioscientist practitioners (as users with limited Computational, Modeling and Simulation or programming skills). We welcome papers, not submitted elsewhere for review, with a focus on assisting practitioners in topics of interest ranging from but not limited to:

· Exploratory Bioinformatics and Computational Biological models, simulations and tools for helping Bioscientists

· Modeling and simulation as decision support for assisting Bioscientists and Medical practitioners

· Agent-based Modeling and simulation for Biological Systems, Healthcare facilities or Social Systems etc.

· Verification and Validation of Biological Simulations

· Equation based Modeling of Biological Systems

· Development and analysis of Complex Biological and Social Networks (Formal Specification, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation)

· Modeling and Simulation in System Biology

· Modeling and simulation of congenital disorders

· Modeling and simulation of epidemics and other diseases

· HIV/AIDS related M&S

· Tumor Growth modeling and Simulation

· Distributed Simulation of Biological Systems

· Formal Specification and Models such as using Z formal specification language, Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) etc.

· Use of Cognitive Computation and AI techniques such as Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Bio-inspired techniques, swarm intelligence algorithms for developing models of Biological systems

· Modeling and Simulation of Body Sensor Networks for e-Health

· Modeling and Simulation of Pervasive and Ambient Assisted Living systems, Disease Tracking and Monitoring systems

· Artificial Life related topics



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For further information please contact iwish@msc-les.org
