I-WISH, 2014

The International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare


10 - 12 September

Agora Multi-Purpose Complex, University of Bordeaux

Bordeaux, France

Call For Papers


Modelling and Simulation in Physiology and Medicine


Cross-Track at the International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare and European Modeling & Simulation Symposium


Chairs: (a) Maja Atanasijevic-Kunc (b)Felix Breitenecker

Affiliation: (a) Univ. Ljubljana, Fac. Electrical Engineering (b)Vienna Uiv. of Technology, Div. Mathematical Modelling and Simulation

Contacts: (a) Maja.Atanasijevic@fe.uni-lj.si, (b) Felix.Breitenecker@tuwien.ac.at



Deadlines for Papers Submission

Author’s Instruction for paper submission


Track Description

Modelling and simulation have become a very strong tool for understanding and solving problems also in the field of physiology and medicine. In this situation, it makes sense to discuss the approaches and diversity of methods and tools which have proved to be important for learning, studying epidemiology, natural course of the diseases and effects of the treatment. In physiology, modelling approaches from natural sciences play a major role.

The session is not restricted to system simulation approaches, any other modelling approaches in this area area as Markov Modelling, Cellular Automata Modelling etc are welcome

If your work must be cleared or approved before publication by  your institution, company, or governmental agency, please be sure that  process will be completed by the due date above or we will not be able to include it in the CD Conference Proceedings.

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