Track Description
MThe goal of this special session is to explore
the use of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) in the domain of assisting Bioscientists and
Bioinformaticians as users/practitioners. The key focus of this session is on the client/user
aspect of modeling and simulation paradigms and tools. Thus the track is geared more towards
exploiting and bringing together innovations using M&S as assistive technologies for everyday
tasks of Bioscientist practitioners (as users with limited Computational, Modeling and
Simulation or programming skills).
We welcome papers, not submitted
elsewhere for review, with a focus on assisting practitioners in topics of interest ranging from
but not limited to:
- Exploratory Bioinformatics and
Computational Biological models, simulations and tools for helping Bioscientists.
- Modeling and simulation as decision
support for assisting Bioscientists and Medical practitioners.
- Agent-based Modeling and simulation for
Biological Systems, Healthcare facilities or Social Systems etc. .
- Verification and Validation of
Biological Simulations.
- Equation based Modeling of Biological
- Development and analysis of Complex
Biological and Social Networks (Formal Specification, Modeling, Analysis and
- Modeling and Simulation in System
- Modeling and simulation of congenital
- Modeling and simulation of epidemics
and other diseases.
- HIV/AIDS related M&S.
- Tumor Growth modeling and Simulation.
- Distributed Simulation of Biological
- Formal Specification and Models such as
using Z formal specification language, Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) etc. .
- Use of Cognitive Computation and AI
techniques such as Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Bio-inspired techniques, swarm
intelligence algorithms for developing models of Biological systems.
- Modeling and Simulation of Body Sensor
Networks for e-Health.
- Modeling and Simulation of Pervasive
and Ambient Assisted Living systems, Disease Tracking and Monitoring systems.
- Artificial Life related topics.
For further information please contact the
I3M Program Chair.
I3M 2019 Scientific Sponsors
I3M 2019 Industrial Sponsors