MAS, 2015


The 14th International Conference on

Modeling and Applied Simulation


September, 21-23 2015

Bergeggi, Italy

Call For Papers


Inventory Management Simulation

 at the International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation 

(MAS 2015)


Track Chairs: Adriano Solis(a), Letizia Nicoletti(b)

Affiliations: (a)York University, Canada, (b)Simulation Team, Italy



Deadlines for papers submission

Author’s instructions for paper submission


Track Description


The Track offers the possibility to present results and critical issues concerning Inventory Management procedures using Modeling and Simulation. Topics of interest include:


·   Inventory Models and their Implementation through M&S based approach;

·   Inventory Control Policies Comparison and Optimization;

·   Statistical Forecasting Approaches in Inventory Management;

·   Warehouse Organization, Control and Optimization;

·   Inventory Management Application in Industry: case studies;

·   MRP and ERP for the Inventory Management;

·   Safety Stock Analysis;

·   Inventory Management Costs Control Strategies.


Nevertheless different topics concerning Inventory Management are welcome. Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and application both theoretical and applied.


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For further information please contact Adriano Solis, Letizia Nicoletti