MAS, 2016


The 15th International Conference on

Modeling and Applied Simulation


September 26 - 28 2016


The Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus

Call For Papers 

The Interplay between Behavioral Game Theory and Agent-Based Social Simulation

at the International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation

(MAS 2016)


Chair: (a)  Dr Peer-Olaf Siebers

Affiliation: (a)   School of Computer Science; Nottingham University



Co- Chair: (b)  Prof Theodore L Turocy

Affiliation: (b)   School of Economics; University of East Anglia



Deadlines for papers submission

Author’s instructions for paper submission


Track Description

The track aims to bring together current research and applications combining Behavioural Game Theory (BGT) with Agent-Based Social Simulation (ABSS). While the Multiagent Systems literature, for example, has considered applications of rational-choice game theory in multiagent decision systems, there are yet seems to be little interplay between the insights of BGT and ABSS. Insofar as the domain of BGT includes procedural models of how agents reason about and learn about their own payoffs, and the strategies and payoffs of others, BGT and ABSS would appear to be ideal complements.


Much of BGT has been developed via a dialogue with the behaviour of human subjects in controlled laboratory experiments. Linkage with the techniques of ABSS may open up opportunities for models of behaviour in social systems which involve many more actors, or have much richer strategic environments, than those typically studied to date in laboratory experiments.


For this track, we seek contributions that aim to combine BGT and ABSS by, for example:


· Using ABSS to model behaviour as observed in laboratory experiments, validating BGT models.

· Creating models which capture how agents may process a rich strategic environment by, for example, extracting salient features.

· Using ABSS as a framework for organising predictions about behaviour in settings with heterogeneous agents.

· Using ABSS to make predictions about behaviour in strategic environments where rational-choice game theory does not offer clear predictions, such as “recurrent” games in which similar situations are encountered by an agent over and over, but with different co-players each time.


We are equally interested in contributions which propose other promising interactions between BGT and ABSS we have not contemplated here.

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For further information please contact Dr Peer-Olaf Siebers