Summer computer simulation conference

8-11 July 2012, Architecture Complex, Genoa University,Genoa, Italy


P.O. Box 17900
San Diego, CA 92177-7900
Tel: 858-277-3888
Fax: 858-277-3930

SCSC ’12 Call for Papers

Modelling and Simulation for Security

Workshop/Paper Track at the Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2012

(SCSC ‘12)



Andreas Tolk, Old Dominium University, Norfolk, VA, USA


Track Description

The “Defense and Security related Applications of M&S” is looking for paper that focus on challenges to be solved in military, defense, and security related applications.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

· simulation support for the armed forces;

· civil-military operations support;

· Whole of Society/HSCB approaches;

· Human Terrain questions;

· Homeland Security challenges;

· Law enforcement support;

· Societal security challenges;

· First responder support;


Authors must strictly follow SCSC guidelines for paper submission.


The Society for Modeling and Simulation International

Key Dates

Special session proposals

February 16, 2012

Submission of papers 

March 22, 2012

Notification of Acceptance

April 30, 2012

Final Submission

May 21, 2012