The International Workshop on

Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment


10 - 12 September

Agora Multi-Purpose Complex, University of Bordeaux

Bordeaux, France

SESDE 2014

Organization Committee

For further information please contact Alberto Tremori, Francesco Longo

Organization Committee

SESDE 2013 Steering Committee

SESDESimulation Team

Co-Located with I3M 2014

General Co-Chair:

François E. Cellier

Departement Informatik

ETH Zürich, Schweiz

General Co-Chair:

Janos Sebestyen Janosy

Centre for Energy Research
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) ,


Program Chair:

Gregory Zacharewicz

IMS Université Bordeaux


Agostino G. BruzzoneITIM University of Genoa, Italy

Gerson Gomes CunhaCOPPE UFRJ, Brazil

Francesco LongoUNICAL, Italy

Marina MasseiLiophant,Italy

Yuri Merkuryev, RIGA TU, Latvia

Miquel Angel PieraSpain/Barcelona , Spain

Alberto Tremori, DIPTEM, Italy

Stefano Saetta, Perugia, Italy