Call For Papers




International Cooperation on Crises and Risky Enterprises (ICCRE)

Part of 2011 Conference on Grand Challenges in Modeling & Simulation (GCMS’11)


June 27 - 30, 2011 – The Hague, Netherlands

Sponsored by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International

GCMS’11 is part of the International Simulation Multiconference (ISMc’11)



International Cooperation on Crises and Risky Enterprises


ICCRE2010 invites papers, panels, invited presentations and demonstrations addressing past, present and future international cooperative efforts that employ dispersed modeling and simulation resources to solve highly complex and risky problems. These challenges range from technology to language, culture, behavior and other boundary issues impacting effective response to major human-caused and natural disasters as well as commitment to the long-term, success of massively complex multi-decadal projects. Topics include but are not limited to

· Life cycle modeling and simulation for major  international long-term projects

· Crisis: Decision support systems for major emergencies and  complex risky enterprises.

· Technical Challenges:

· Future: Promising trends and innovative solutions



Submission Procedures: Please follow the submission instructions reported in the Submission Procedure Section in the GCMS Homepage. Submit your paper to the SCS Conference Proceedings Management System. For questions and more information, please contact Priscilla Elfrey




Program Chair

Priscilla Elfrey

Kennedy Space Center-NASA, USA



Publications & Exhibits Chair
D.J. Weed


  Key Dates (Work in Progress Track)


Submission of Papers: April 22, 2011

Notification of Acceptance: May 13, 2011

Final Submission: May 27, 2011



  Key Dates (Regular Papers)


Special Session Proposals

January 31, 2011

Tutorial Proposals

January 31, 2011

Submission of Full Papers

March 18, 2011 (Extended!)

Notification of Acceptance

April 15, 2011

Final Manuscript in PDF form

May 15, 2011

International Program Committee

K. Andrien, IEPAL, France

L. Bares, Kennedy Space Center,US

E. Bocca,  Liophant, Italy

P. Bouche, LGéGo - INSA Strasbourg, France

L.Caine, AEgisTechnologies, US

A. Cimino, MSC-LES, Italy

J. Lagares, Alaskan Slope Regional Corporation, US

F.Longo, University of Calabria, Italy

A Hamri, LSIS Marseille, France

R.Mazzone, NASA, US

D.Miranda, Kennedy Space Center, US

S. Schatz, IST, University of Central Florida, US

A. Taylor, Defence R&D, Canada

A Tremori,MAST, Italy

G Zacharewicz, University of Bordeaux, France

C Zanni, LGéGo - INSA Strasbourg, France

ICCRE2010 Further information