Call For Papers




Very Large and Complex Systems (VLSCS)

Part of 2011 Conference on Grand Challenges in Modeling & Simulation (GCMS’11)


June 27 - 30, 2011 – The Hague, Netherlands

Sponsored by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International

GCMS’11 is part of the International Simulation Multiconference (ISMc’11)



VLCS aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss advances in the modeling and simulation of large and complex systems that represent major challenges in advancing the art and science of simulation. Contributions are invited on relevant applications and techniques that address problems related to the size and complexity of the simulated system. Topics include, but are not restricted to:


· Multi-discipline Simulation

· Multi-rate Simulation

· Co-simulation

· Human and Machine Synergistic Solvers

· Complex and Complicated Systems

· Simulation Standardization and Benchmarks

· Simulation Methods for System Development

· Standard Models, Reference Models, and Model Libraries

· Representation of Uncertainty

· Self-consistent Initialization of Heterogeneous System Models

· Variable Model Order, Model Reduction, and Model Enrichment Validation and Verification

· Cognitive Processes for Very Large System Simulations

· Chaos, Monte Carlo, Data Mining, and Genetic Algorithms for Large System Simulations


Submission Procedures: Please follow the submission instructions reported in the Submission Procedure Section in the GCMS Homepage. Submit your paper to the SCS Conference Proceedings Management System. For questions and more information, please contact Terry Ericsen



International Program Committee

Sharon Beerman-Curtin, ONR, USA

Richard Bednar, California State University, Chico, USA

Joe Borracini, ONR, USA

David Cartes, Florida State University, USA

Chris Dafis, NSWCDD Philadelphia, USA

Steinar Dale, Florida State University, USA

Roger Dougal, University of S. Carolina, USA

Omar Faruque, Florida State University, USA

Robert Hebner, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Nari Hingorani, Consultant, USA

Dietmar Moeller, University of Hamburg, Germany

Antonello Monti, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Pieter Mosterman, Mathworks, USA

David Murray-Smith, University of Glasgow, UK

Chika Nwankpa, Drexel University, USA

Petty Mikel, University of Alabama, Huntsville, USA

John Pearce, ISIM International Simulation Ltd

Noel Schulz, Mississippi State University, USA

Mischa Steurer, Florida State University, USA

John Zenor, California State University, Chico, USA


Program Chair

Terry Ericsen

Office of Naval Research, USA

Program co-Chair

Kelly Cooper

Office of Naval Research, USA


Publications & Exhibits Chair
D.J. Weed


      Key Dates (Work in Progress Track)


   Submission of Papers: April 22, 2011

   Notification of Acceptance: May 13, 2011

   Final Submission: May 27, 2011



  Key Dates (Regular Papers)


Special Session Proposals

January 31, 2011

Tutorial Proposals

January 31, 2011

Submission of Full Papers

March 18, 2011 (Extended!)

Notification of Acceptance

April 15, 2011

Final Manuscript in PDF form

May 15, 2011