WIN-LOG 2016

The International Workshop on

Innovation for Logistics


November 2016

Cagliari, Italy


Authors are kindly invited to include in their papers and presentations all the research works, case studies and application both theoretical and applied.


Risultati immagini per cagliari

For further information please contact Francesco Longo





· Bulk Terminals 

· Container shipping

· Container Terminals 

· Control of Logistics Processes

· Decision Support in Logistics

· Environmental Impact of Logistic Operations

· Green Logistics

· Green Supply Chain Operations

· Logistics & Manufacturing 

· Multimodal Transports 

· Naval Training Systems 

· Ports Management

· Production Planning and Control

· Railways 

· Resources Planning 

· Supply Chain Management

· Supply Chain Risks & Vulnerabilities

· Supply Chain Security

· Supply-Chains 

· Sustainability in Logistics

· Traceability along the supply chain

· Transportation and Distribution

· Urban Transportation

· Vessel Traffic Systems 

· Warehouse Services and Management