Registration Guidelines
Do you have an accepted paper at ISM 2021?
For each accepted regular paper or short paper, one author – or someone on behalf of the author(s) – must register the paper and pay the registration fee according to the guidelines here reported. Please note that the person completing the payment may be different from the actual speaker at the conference. The paper registration fee covers one (1) accepted paper. In case of two or more papers or papers exceeding the page number limit, please check the fees below. Please, note that the inclusion of the paper in the conference program and the publication of the paper in the conference proceedings is subject to the payment of the paper registration fee and each paper must be presented live (in-person or online via MS Teams) at the conference. Acknowledgment of registration will be sent after receiving your payment.
The category (early/late) of the registration fees is determined by the date the payment is made, not the date of registration. Registrants should start the procedure as early as possible to allow for sufficient time to process the registration. If you need a certificate for your procedures, please contact
Do you want to participate as an Online Observer at ISM 2021?
In order to foster the diffusion of scientific knowledge and increase the visibility of the talks and sessions at the conference, ISM 2021 gives the opportunity to participate as Online Observer for free. Participation and how-to-connect details will be soon available in the Participation & Venue section of the ISM 2021 website. Please note that:
- if you are participating in-person to the conference, you are NOT eligible as an observer and are required to pay the In-person Registration Fee;
- if you are an online speaker who needs to register the paper, you are NOT eligible as an observer and are required to pay the Virtual Registration Fee.
ISM 2021 goes hybrid. Both in-person and virtual participation options will be available to give people from all over the world the possibility to attend the conference. Everyone willing to participate to ISM 2021 (including authors or just observers) must use the procedure outlined below.
Do you have an accepted paper at ISM 2021?
For each accepted regular paper or short paper, one author – or someone on behalf of the author(s) – must register the paper and pay the registration fee according to the guidelines here reported. Please note that the person completing the payment may be different from the actual speaker at the conference. The paper registration fee covers one (1) accepted paper. In case of two or more papers or papers exceeding the page number limit, please check the fees below. Please, note that the inclusion of the paper in the conference program and the publication of the paper in the conference proceedings is subject to the payment of the paper registration fee and each paper must be presented live (in-person or online via MS Teams) at the conference. Acknowledgment of registration will be sent after receiving your payment.
The category (early/late) of the registration fees is determined by the date the payment is made, not the date of registration. Registrants should start the procedure as early as possible to allow for sufficient time to process the registration. If you need a certificate for your procedures, please contact
Due to the challenges that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is still posing on the global society, the different speed at which countries around the world are adopting countermeasures, vaccination programs, and mitigation strategies, and the general climate of uncertainty about the possibility to travel in the next few months, we strongly recommend prospective participants to follow these tips:
- If you do not have particular travel restrictions or personal limitations, we currently recommend to register for the in-person event. In fact, if it will no longer feasible to run a face to face congress in the next few months and the conference will be switched to a fully virtual event, the ISM 2021 Organizing Committee will refund the difference between the in-person and the virtual participation fee.
- We are aware of the general climate of uncertainty about the possibility to travel in the next months. If you do not feel confident yet about participating in person, feel also free to register and pay the virtual registration fee now. If in the next weeks you will decide to come in person, you will be able to upgrade your ticket to ISM 2021 from a virtual to an in-person participation by paying the difference.
Do you want to participate as an Online Observer at ISM 2021?
In order to foster the diffusion of scientific knowledge and increase the visibility of the talks and sessions at the conference, ISM 2021 gives the opportunity to participate as Online Observer for free. Participation and how-to-connect details will be soon available in the Participation & Venue section of the ISM 2021 website. Please note that:
- if you are participating in-person to the conference, you are NOT eligible as an observer and are required to pay the In-person Registration Fee;
- if you are an online speaker who needs to register the paper, you are NOT eligible as an observer and are required to pay the Virtual Registration Fee.
Payment by credit card
In case you choose to pay via credit card, you will be redirected to a secure environment where you can directly pay your conference fee.
Payment by wire transfer
Account Holder: CAL-TEK Srl
Holder VAT: 03133320782
Account Holder Address : Via Spagna 240-242, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy
IBAN: IT11U0100580880000000001724
Bank Name: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro – Agenzia di Rende (CS), Italy
Bank Address: Piazza Matteotti 14, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy
Wire Transfer description: Registration to ISM + Your name + Paper ID
Useful contacts
If you want to participate in-person as a guest, an observer or another attendant (you do not have any paper accepted at the conference or your paper has been registered by someone else, e.g. a co-author), you are required to pay the Guest (In-Person) Registration Fee. This fee includes access for one (1) person to all the ISM sessions and events, participation in the scientific program, welcome reception with badge and materials, coffee breaks, luncheons and Gala dinner.
Additional ITEMS
*The Virtual Registration Fee includes the publication of one (1) conference paper in the conference proceedings and the access to all the ISM sessions and events via teleconferencing tools. If you have more than two papers accepted to the conference, in additional to the basic fee, you should pay the Additional Paper Fee per each additional paper. If your paper exceeds the 10-page limit, there is an Over-length Page Fee per each single page.
Cancellation Policy
- Cancelation notice should be sent to the conference organizers to and should provide the proof of payment.
- If cancelation occurs before October 31st 2021, refund will be of 100% of the paid fee. In this case, the refund will be credited back without delay to the credit card used for the payment.
- The registration fee is not refundable if the cancelation notice is sent to the conference organizers after October 31st 2021, but delegate substitution is permitted.
Organized by

For further info, please contact