DHSS 2013 Proceeding

Simulating the marine domain as an extended framework for joint collaboration and competion among autonomous systems

Authors:   Agostino Bruzzone, Jean-Guy Fontaine, Alessandro Berni, Stefano Brizzolara, Francesco Longo, Luciano Dato, Simonluca Poggi, Margherita Dallorto


The paper presents the objective and characteristics of an integrated architecture devoted to develop a new generation of simulators able to reproduce joint interoperability among Autonomous Systems over the marine domain. The authors analyze the requirements for such simulation solution in order to address the needs of the applicative context considering different needs engineering, operations, training and supervision. The paper proposes the general architecture and an approach for integrating different models within this federation; the description of the mission environment is proposed as test case, as well as the preliminary activities for validating these concepts as well as the simulation architecture.

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