DHSS 2014 Proceeding

Interoperability requirements for developing simulation solutions for innovative integrated systems

Authors:   Agostino G. Bruzzone, Marina Massei, Christian Bartolucci, Simonluca Poggi, Antonio Martella, Giulio Franzinetti


This paper aims at describing an innovative approach to simulate the interaction among sensors, antennas and electronic equipment; the paper focuses on the case study of an innovative mast integrating different sensors and systems to be adopted by modern military vessels. In particular, requirements and reference architectures to be adopted in order to support interoperable simulation are proposed for the models related to vessel board systems. Such approach is developed in order to ensure interoperability of the different models (i.e. communications, radars, Optoelectronic and Infrared sensors etc.) considering mutual interferences as well as interaction with other vessel systems; this approach allows evaluating the overall effectiveness, electromagnetic interferences, compatibility and operational procedures respect operations. The authors present a technological solution based on HLA (High Level Architecture) simulation enabling interoperability and leading to the creation of a federation for evaluating and validating results achieved during the experimental analysis; the latter is led over the proposed innovative integrated mast in order to understand the effectiveness of this solution with possibility to conduct comparison with other vessel configurations.

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