DHSS 2015 Proceeding

Distributed virtual simulation supporting defense against terrorism

Authors:   Agostino G. Bruzzone, Marina Massei, Alberto Tremori, Marco Camponeschi, Letizia Nicoletti, Riccardo Di Matteo, Giulio Franzinetti


This paper propose an innovative MS2G (Modeling, interoperable Simulation and Serious Game) to address Defense Anti Terrorism (DAT) the solution proposed allows to access to a web application adopting SaaS (Simulation as a Service) paradigm over secure networks for experimenting and or exercising on this context. The possibility to investigate specific scenarios changing boundary conditions as well as hypothesis allows evaluating most effective actions for vulnerability reduction versus potential terrorist attacks. The use of intelligent agents allows executing automatically the scenario based on dynamically aggressive and defensive interactions; the proposed models present a virtual representation that immerse the user in an easy understandable framework supporting crowdsourcing among subject matter experts on DAT.

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