EMSS 2008 Proceeding

Cardioscope simulator system

Authors:   Zenon Chaczko, Hany Shehata


There is a need for effective, reliable and economicdiagnostic technique to detect heart problems at an earlystage. This paper presents an innovative approach to theECG diagnostic modeling that considers arepresentation of the Inverse problem in multidimensionalspace. Assumptions are made regarding theshape and values for the electrical sources inside thehuman heart in order to estimate the body surfaceelectrical potentials. An analytical set of expressionsused in the proposed diagnostic model combined withthe effect of associated source parameters is discussed,analysed and verified. The paper introduces aninnovative Inverse problem method for determining theinner heart electrical activity parameters. Results can bethen visualized given availability of a stream of bodysurface potential data. WSN technology is to be appliedfor collecting and processing diagnostic data.

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