Authors: Cecilia Zanni, Philippe Bouché
In our increasingly competitive world, todaycompanies are implementing improvement strategiesin every department and, in particular, in theirmanufacturing systems. This paper discusses the useof a global method based on a knowledge-basedapproach for the development of a software tool formodelling and analysis of production flows. Thismethod is based on data processing and data miningtechniques and will help the acquisition of the metaknowledgeneeded for the searching of correlationsamong different events in the production line.Different kind of techniques will be used: graphicrepresentation of the production, identification ofspecific behaviour and research of correlations amongevents on the production line. Most of thesetechniques are based on statistical and probabilisticanalyses. To carry on high level analyses, a stochasticapproach will be used to identify specific behaviourwith the aim of defining, for example, action plans.