EMSS 2008 Proceeding

Analysis of shipboard survivable fire main systems

Authors:   Albert Ortiz, Don Dalessandro,Dong Qing, Li Bai, Saroj Biswas


This paper presents a study for the shipboard fire main systems using a new probabilistic approach to analyze the survivability of a system. Similarities and differences between survivability and reliability analysis are compared. In a reliability model, one can describe a k- out-of-nG system (k <= n), in which the component system is valid only if any k or more components function. The system can also be configured into an initial k-out-of-nG model with m backup components (0 <= m <= n). If the system cannot perform its intended function, the m backup components will be reconfigured with the remaining working components into a new form to sustain system function. Academia refers to such studies to calculate the system successful probabilities as the survivability analysis. In this paper, we focus on the survivability analysis of a shipboard fire main piping system. This study could potentially be used to analyze the survivability of power network systems, dependable secure computing systems, military reconfigurable information systems, and other large reconfigurable network systems.

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