EMSS 2011 Proceeding

3G Mobile Network Planning Based On A Traffic Simulation Model And A Cost-Benefit Model To Service Los Cabos International Airport

Authors:   Aida Huerta Barrientos, Mayra Elizondo Cortes


We propose an application approach to planning a third- generation mobile network based on a traffic simulation model and a cost-benefit model to service the interior of an airport. This proposal represents an alternative to the mobile network planning traditional process. We developed a network traffic simulation model in terms of service transmission rates of applications such as voice over IP, video phone, FTP file transfer and high definition video-phone. The simulations are executed using ARENA software. From the results of the traffic simulation model, we obtained the network capacity in terms of the cell radius. Based on the cost-benefit model and on the network capacity, we got the cell radius that maximizes the net profit percentage of the network and satisfies the userīs requirements. Under this approach is not taken into consideration some of technical aspects, but rather it is to highlight the economic aspect of the network planning process.

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