EMSS 2011 Proceeding

Simulation Helps Assess and Increase Airplane Manufacturing Capacity

Authors:   Marcelo Zottolo, Edward Williams, Onur Ulgen


Simulation has long been used in the manufacturing industry to help determine, and suggest ways of increasing, production capacity under a variety of scenarios. Indeed, historically, this economic sector was the first to make extensive use of simulation. Over the last several decades, and continuing today, the most numerous applications of simulation to manufacturing operations involve mass production facilities such as those fabricating motor vehicles or home appliances. Less frequently, but very usefully, simulation has been applied to customized manufacturing or fabrication applications, such as the building of ships to individualized specifications. In the case study described in this paper, simulation was successfully applied, in synergy with other techniques of industrial engineering, to assess and increase the throughput capacity of a manufacturer of custom-built personal jet airplanes with a four-to-six passenger (plus moderate amounts of luggage) carrying capacity.

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