EMSS 2012 Proceeding

Agent-monitored anticipatory multisimulation: a systems engineering approach for threat-management training

Authors:   Tuncer Oren, Levent Yilmaz


Agent-monitored multisimulation provides a powerful paradigm to conceive and perform experimentations not possible by traditional simulation techniques. Multisi- mulation was developed for simulation-based conflict management and training purposes. Anticipatory behav- ior has several advantages over reactive behavior. Mo- nitoring multisimulation studies by agents bring addi- tional benefits. First, overviews of several types of threats and the relevance and importance of anticipation are given. Then, the possibilities offered by multisim- ulation and agent-monitored anticipatory multisim- ulation are presented. Afterwards, the appropriateness of agent-monitored anticipatory multisimulation is shown for several types of synchronous or asynchro- nous threat management and training.

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