Authors: Bernhard Heinzl, Erik Auer, Benedikt Slowacki, Kerstin Kowarik, Hans Reschreiter, Niki Popper, Felix Breitenecker
In a cooperative project between the Natural History Museum Vienna and the Vienna University of Tech- nology, students are assigned a variety of tasks in mod- elling and simulation of physical systems. These sys- tems originate from archaeological investigations on the prehistoric salt mines in Hallstatt (Austria) in the Bronze Age. The first example studies different designs of rope pull systems used to hoist the broken salt from the mining halls through shafts to the surface. In the second task, bronze picks for breaking the salt are in- vestigated. The third and last task presents some calcu- lations regarding illumination and air consumption in the mining halls. The calculations and simulation re- sults help archaeologists gain knowledge about the working conditions and technical equipment in the pre- historic salt mines. For the students, the provided ex- amples give interesting insights into practical applica- tions of modelling and simulation.