EMSS 2014 Proceeding

A system dynamics approach for improving container terminal operations

Authors:   Giuseppe Converso, Mosè Gallo, Teresa Murino


This study provides a simulation based framework for the optimal integration of the various activities within a container terminal. The operation of a container terminal is made possible thanks to the interaction of numerous subsystems, which, in turn, depend on other subsystems. Indeed the performances of the container terminal are affected by many factors such as component subsystems of the whole system, equipment, resources and procedures. In order to represent the relation between these factors, a System Dynamics approach is proposed. This approach tries to explain 1) the interactions between all subsystems of the system; 2) the effect of any changes of their factors to the global performance. This study aims to provide management tools to control performance of each subsystem and of the whole system and to anticipate the effect of performance improvement of subsystems on the whole system. The choice of utilizing a SD paradigm derives from the possibility of studying through a casual loop diagram the relationships between all variables involved and the effect of any changes of these factors on the each subsystem's performance and on the whole performance by means of a simulation model.

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