EMSS 2015 Proceeding

Synergy of matlab and modelica in thermal flows control in buildings

Authors:   Borut Zupan?i?


The paper briefly describes the Modelica model of a cu- bic shaped room with one window. The ?physical? model was then implemented as a Modelica (Dymola) block in Matlab-Simulink environment. Simulink was used for the realisation of different control schemes, which were ?manually? and ?automatically? optimized. The experi- ments show that the synergetic combination of Matlab- Simulink and Dymola-Modelica environments is an effi- cient and powerful approach giving the possibility to re- alize several important goals realisation preserving mod- elling in Modelica, efficient simulation with Simulink and many possibilities for control system design and optimization using basic Matlab and appropriate Mat- lab toolboxes. However the experiences with Modelica modelling taught us that Modelica models become rather complex and therefore model reduction techniques in or- der to obtain usable and efficient models are desired. The last part of the paper briefly describes some research ac- tivities in this area and also our contributions.

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