EMSS 2015 Proceeding

A proposal of using DEVS model for process mining

Authors:   Yan Wang, Grégory Zacharewicz, David Chen, Mamadou Kaba Traoré


Process mining is a relative young research area which consists of process modeling and data mining. Process discovery as a part of the process mining focuses on converting event logs into process models. Petri Nets formalism is identified as the most convenient resulting process model. However, it is not entirely satisfying and needs to be improved with the purpose of covering the temporal aspects of the studied system. Compared with it, DEVS has the advantage of explicit and concurrent time and separating model from simulation. The objective of this paper is to specify DEVS model as the resulting process model. Based on the existing Two- Phased Approaches in process mining, a region-based approach with the suitable mapping is designed to convert the transition system directly to DEVS. A study case is presented to implement this approach. This paper is a position paper and it needs to be completed. In addition, a dynamic semantic should be designed to solve some typical representational limitations and a simulation engine should be selected.

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