EMSS 2016 Proceeding

A flexible and graphical operational effectiveness evaluation tool

Authors:   W. Li, S. Lin, Z. Liu, P. Ma, M. Yang


To solve the reusability of evaluation information and extensibility of evaluation algorithms, and improve the efficiency of operational effectiveness evaluation of weapons, a flexible, graphical and simulation-based evaluation tool is developed. The problem analysis of effectiveness evaluation and solutions are given firstly. A process model for effectiveness evaluation is presented, which is flexible and suitable for different evaluation tasks and objects and a primitive-based graphical interface is designed to improve the usability of this tool. And the reusability mechanism of evaluation information and extensibility interface of evaluation algorithms are designed. Then, the design and implementation of the evaluation tool are described and an example of simulation-based operational effectiveness evaluation of an air-defense system is illustrated how to use the tool. Finally, the conclusion and future work are summarized.

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