HMS 2009 Proceeding

About optimal remanufacturing policies and secondary markets supplying

Authors:   M. Gallo, L. Guerra, G. Guizzi


The synergic action of different actors involved in environmental protection, is pushing more and more companies to adapt and, in some cases, to revolutionize their strategies, plans and their business goals in an ?environmentally conscious? way. It is crucial, therefore, to develop and adopt suitable production techniques and EOL management policies for products. Product recovery involves concepts like reuse, remanufacturing and recycling. In many cases, moreover, reuse and remanufacturing could be simultaneously implemented if secondary market supplying is a profitable option. When hybrid remanufacturing/manufacturing systems (HRMSs) are implemented and when secondary markets are supplied with high quality returns, some new issues have to be faced and these systems have to be deeply analyzed to better manage them. With this aim three different policies to supply a secondary market will be compared (two PUSH policies and one PULL policy), which are based upon different stock level control.

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