Authors: Agostino G. Bruzzone, Paolo Fadda, Gianfranco Fancello, Gianmarco D'Errico, Enrico Bocca,Marina Massei
This paper is concerned with the loading and validation of vibration spectra, monitored in a ship-to-shore crane in operation at the Port of Cagliari, the distributed real- time interoperable simulator includes a motion platform. In fact Simulators are typically used in active safety applications and in this specific case, our simulator was designed for the purposes of both training and basic and applied research, as it is possible to monitor physiological parameters recorded using appropriate electromedical instruments. The onset of fatigue in quayside crane operators can be attributed not only to awkward posture, but also to the high vibration levels generated by the nature of crane operations, transmitted to the operator through the cab seat. Key Words vibrations, motion platform, fatigue, simulator, VV&A process