HMS 2010 Proceeding

Statistical modelling of financial stability of logistics system

Authors:   Vladimirs Jansons, Vitalijs Jurenoks, Konstantins Didenko


In this article the authors proceed with the research of the stability of transport logistics system (TLS) as a set of separate units providing the whole cycle of logistics operations when delivering cargoes from the consignor to the consignee. In the previous papers (see references) the authors presented the research of financial stability of logistics systems under conditions of uncertainty applying different methods of modelling, namely, statistical modelling â?? Monte Carlo method, dynamic programming, benchmarking as well as nonparametric methods of modelling. In this article the analysis of financial stability of the logistics system being investigated is made. And most attention is paid to modelling and analysis of the state of the required financial reserve of the logistics firm providing the financial stability of the whole logistics system on the example of delivering cargoes from the consignor to the consignee by a Latvian logistics firm (LF). Technological and financial flows among the participants of logistics process as well as the impact of the factors of external and internal environment on the financial stability of TLS are analysed in this article. By financial stability we understand the ability of all TLS participants to fulfil all the financial obligations undertaken with the view of ensuring complete continuous technological process in the terms agreed. Applying the basic statements of the theory of constraints the authors analyse the impact of the factors of external and internal environment on the financial stability of the logistics chain and the process of weak points arising in the logistics chain of the financial system.

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