HMS 2010 Proceeding

Dispatching of Multiple Service Vehicles in the Dynamic Dial-A-Ride Problem

Authors:   Thomas Pickles, Baris Balcioglu, Beno Benhabib


Dispatching of multiple service vehicles is studied for the Dynamic Dial-A-Ride Problem (Dynamic DARP). In the Dynamic DARP service vehicles transport demands from pick-up to drop-off locations which are both independently and uniformly distributed within a unit square service region. Three policies are compared First Come First Serve (FCFS), Nearest Neighbour (NN), and Dynamic Nearest Neighbour (DNN). Simulation results show NN outperforms FCFS by margins of up to 40%, and DNN provides further improvements up to 10% over NN. Analytical approximations are then developed for the multiple vehicle FCFS policy and the single vehicle varying velocity NN policy. The service environment is then expanded to more realistic city-like conditions. Simulation results confirm the relative policy performance holds. Finally, anticipatory vehicle routing is applied such that idle service vehicles are proactively routed. Anticipatory routing provides up to an 18% improvement over the reactive policies.

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