HMS 2010 Proceeding

Data analysis and processing tool for automatic identification system (ais) vessel data to support simulation modeling

Authors:   Keith Hofseth, Cory Rogers, Richard Males


Automated Identification System (AIS) data provides ship tracking information for cargo vessels in coastal waters. Information includes vessel position, speed, draught, dimensions, and destination port. This information is updated on an hourly basis. The analysis of AIS data for individual vessels and for a given port provides a large amount of useful information on vessel routes and loading that can be used in conjunction with port simulation models. The Institute for Water Resources of the US Army Corps of Engineers is developing the Automatic Identification System - Data Analysis and Pre-Processor (AIS-DAPP) tool for visualization and analysis that can be used to support simulation modeling and planning activities. The AIS-DAPP applies genome sequencing practices to identify services from the data. It also works seamlessly with Google Earthâ?¢ for spatial visualization and incorporates analytical routines to determine common routes, speed within channels, and draught entering and leaving a port, all needed for simulation modeling.

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