HMS 2011 Proceeding

SIMCONT ? Theory and Practice in Simulation of Binnenland Container Terminals

Authors:   Manfred Gronalt, Hans Häuslmayer, Martin Posset, Thouraya Rojas-Navas


In this paper we show the SimConT approach in símulation of Binnenland Container Terminals (BCT). SimConT was used during the last years in several projects on capacity evaluation of BCT. During these works we collected some experiences on how to carry out simulation studies for BCT. Especially, main important steps are data collection of infrastructure, train related and load carrier data. Secondly, the detailed operation of the yard and finally during the analysis phase to adapt the study steps to the marginal productivity rate of the BCT. We will provide a guideline for conducting the simulation studies and connect it to the theoretical architecture of the SimConT simulation model(s). The guidelines also focus on how scenarios for the up following simulation runs are constructed in order to reach the marginal rates of the yard. During the works we were also able to identify relevant key data and indicators reflecting the BCT?s performance. These indicators may be used for comparing the performance of different sites.

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