HMS 2011 Proceeding

Simulation, Analysis and Optimization of container terminals Processes

Authors:   Agostino Bruzzone, Francesco Longo, Letizia Nicoletti, Eleonora Bottani, Roberto Montanari


The freight logistics includes all the processes which are needed to supply industry, retail and wholesale and the end customers with goods. Such processes generate a flow of goods that, in the global supply chain, mainly relies on the activities carried out within worldwide container terminals. In this paper, the authors present a simulation model of a real container terminal. The simulation model is jointly used with optimization techniques (genetic algorithms) to carry out a range allocation optimization on berth assignment to incoming ships and number of tractors for each quay crane with the aim of minimizing the average time spent by each ship in the port area (decreasing, as consequence, costs and increasing service level provided to final customers).

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