HMS 2011 Proceeding

Reference Model for the Development of Stock Management in Supply Chains

Authors:   Igor Lopes Martínez, Vilma Rodríguez Castro, Martha I. Gómez Acosta, José A. Acevedo Suárez


This research is performed in several enterprises which develop their activities in connection with the services, commercial, and production fields. These enterprises have in common their relation with the stock management. Cuban enterprises are facing problems such as lack of availability, supply unstableness, poor studies of demand, and obsolete productions. This research proposes to make an assessment of these problems from the point of view of the enterprises in connection with their supply chains. Such a comprehensive analysis is poorly developed in Cuban enterprises so far. Stocks represent immobilized money thus the main objective is to keep them at the lowest possible level that guarantees a high service level to the customer and the achievement of an economical and fluid management of resources. The introduction of a reference model to assess the status of the stock management in both the enterprises and the supply chains is also proposed.

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