HMS 2011 Proceeding

Dynamic Model-Based for Intelligent Taffic Optimization inside Seaport Terminals

Authors:   Wissam Khalil, Rochdi Merzouki, Belkacem Ould-Bouamama


This work proposes a graphical model-based for traffic optimization of Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicles (IAVs) inside confined seaport terminals. The considered IAVs are used for the routing operations of containers. From the graphical representation, static or dynamic destinations can be reached using optimal trajectories. In order to reach the target by the (n+1)th IAV, the proposed algorithm gives the optimal path from the road network containing n IAVs. This algorithm takes in consideration the position, the speed, and the status of each IAV. Finally, a co-simulation is done using an industrial virtual port simulator. This work is done in the framework of the European project InTraDE (Intelligent Transportation for Dynamic Environment).

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