HMS 2012 Proceeding

Network data envelopment analysis of container shipping lines

Authors:   Sebastián Lozano, Ester Gutiérrez, Salvador Furió, José Luís Salmerón


In this research a Network Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach is proposed to assess the efficiency of a number of Container Shipping Lines (CSLs). Two stages are considered one with labour, number of ships and fleet capacity as inputs, and container throughput handled as output and a second stage with the latter as input and turnover as output. A non-oriented Slacks- Based Measure of efficiency (SBM) metric is used. The approach is compared with the conventional single- process DEA. An increase in the discrimination power of the method is obtained by the use of the network DEA approach. In addition, the proposed approach not only computes an overall efficiency score for each CSL but also rates the relative efficiency of its two stages.

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