HMS 2013 Proceeding

An integrated resource-based approach to port and terminal simulation modeling

Authors:   Constantin Semyonov


The accuracy of simulation model significantly increases when not only the processes, but also the factors that have on them great influence are taken into account. Many of them is considered as resources necessary for the functioning of the particular process and characterized by power, balance and deficit. Resources are an integral part of most practically useful simulation models, where they largely determine the course of the different processes. This paper describes an integrated method of accounting, analysis and distribution of resources among the active terminal processes implemented in a specialized simulation software BaltInLog PortInvest developed by the author. Resource model presented in the paper may contribute in efficiency and accuracy of terminals and ports simulation as it is based on reduction of the uncertainty of the processes, taking into account the actual conditions of their occurrence. These conditions are largely determined by the resources of the terminal.

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