HMS 2013 Proceeding

Resource allocation in mesoscopic logistics networks simulation

Authors:   Til Hennies,Yvonne Boersch, Juri Tolujew, Tobias Reggelin


Resource allocation in supply chains is an as essential as complex topic due to the impact it has on the performance of the entire system. Effective resource allocations take into consideration the multitude of different objectives, the heterogeneity of resources and jobs and the dynamically changing system states and resource attributes. Simulation of these strategies is a powerful way in order to test, analyze and evaluate different strategies under changing external influences. In supply chains, quick simulation algorithms are necessary for effective decision making which is supported through the mesoscopic simulation approach. This paper provides a classification of resources and jobs within supply chains, the definition and mesoscopic formalization of possible resource allocation strategies and combinations of these and an example application of a four stage supply chain.

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