HMS 2014 Proceeding

A combined simulation approach for the effective integration of operational and strategic levels for intermodal transport modelling

Authors:   Anton Cotelo Garcia, Diego Crespo Pereira, Rosa Rios Prado, David del Rio Vilas


Transport modelling is a fundamental tool for planning and economic assessing of transport infrastructures. To provide reliable results, models should be able to deal with the complexity of the transport system. This is tra- ditionally faced using aggregated models that are inca- pable of analysing the operations taking place in termi- nals, even though their performance is crucial for the global competitiveness of any transport system. In this paper a combined approach consisting of a traditional transport modelling ?encompassing both tactical and strategic levels- and discrete event simulation ?to study terminals at the operational level- is presented. Along with an expected improvement in the level of accuracy of results, this increased-scale approach makes it possi- ble to gain a better understanding of the project as a whole, connecting macroeconomics and microeconom- ics. This approach has been initially developed for the early design and analysis stages for the Central Bioce- anic Railway Corridor (CFBC) project in Bolivia.

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