HMS 2014 Proceeding

Maritime traffic co-simulation for analyses of maritime systems

Authors:   Christoph Dibbern, Axel Hahn


Analyses of maritime systems are necessary to improve the efficiency and safety of the worldwide shipping lanes. Distributed simulations provide a flexible and extensible testbed for these analyses. This paper describes a HLA-based maritime co-simulation to provide and analyze data about vessel traffic motions. The co-simulation focuses on a flexible configuration, high extensibility and reusability. It comprises of an analysis component as well as simulators for the environment, human behavior and the physics of vessels. The common semantic model enables the communication of these components with its consistent set of concepts and data types. The MTS is based on a physical model for vessel motions with four degrees of freedom. Three agent types are implemented on the base of the generic agent model to show its extensibility and practical use. The evaluation of the generated vessel traffic motion data is done by comparison with real AIS data.

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