HMS 2015 Proceeding

A demand shifting algorithm to smooth the peaks at airport Security Screening Checkpoint (SSC) facilities

Authors:   Jenaro Nosedal-Sánchez, Miquel A. Piera-Eroles, Rubén Martínez, Núria Alsina-Pujol


Airports are considered complex systems since they must coordinate the right availability of resources with an unknown demand in a context with poor predictability and fierce competition. This paper illustrates a solution to improve the passenger flow experience through the Security Screening Checkpoint (SSC) by minimizing the queuing time and, in some cases, transforming the queuing time into waiting time, without requiring investments in additional airport screening infrastructure. The main idea is to minimize the passenger queuing time at the SSC by means of a right balance between screening airport capacity and passenger demand under a time stamp constraint, applied in the form of passenger slot assignment. Demand Shifting Algorithms (DSA) is one of the key approaches that could minimize queues in the screening area while also avoiding idleness capacities, thus providing a cost-saving screening service to the airport and a good quality service to passengers.

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